The challenge,

where everyone


Reward slow mobility commuters with Bikecoin!
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Join the club

Contribute to more sustainable mobility

Reward sustainable commuters

Make the home-work mobility fun and zero-emission

Boost your ESG

Give a benefit to those who give up comfort and keep fit

Reduce CO2 and traffic

Fewer cars on the road, positive carbon balance

What is Bikecoin?

It is an App specifically designed for companies and public bodies that want to promote the use of slow mobility for commuting
Bikecoin is integrated directly into Mobalt, the product for comprehensive enterprise mobility management.
For users

How does
this work?

Once you have received a participation code form your company or municipality, just follow these simple steps:

Download the Mobalt app

Create your account by entering your participation code


Track your path with one of the accepted transport means

Bike, scooter or walking


Earn your Bikecoins and cash in your reward!

Track your home-work paths and receive the incentives provided by the campaign sponsors

For companies

Why should my company join?

Bikecoin is an essential tool to implement a balanced corporate mobility policy as a part of a modern and complete ESG strategy

Increases Corporate Social Responsibility

traffic and

Decreases parking requirements and costs

Promotes the health of employees

Stimulates the spirit of

For companies

What about rewards?

Each company decides how and how much to reward its employees, giving a specific value to the bikecoins collected, which can be paid in cash or in other forms of company benefits
For municipalities

What role
can the

Bikecoin is an ideal tool for public-private cooperation in the field of mobility:

Enables companies to be involved and supported


Helps to reduce rush-hour traffic


Helps the planning of cycle routes by identifying critical infrastructure issues


Certifies the municipality's commitment to the environment


Bikecoin lends itself to be extended to implement territorial marketing and public health promotion policies

Participating companies, municipalities and bodies:

It is an absolutely virtuous project, and the Assos company is thrilled to have joined. The number of employees who now travel to work by alternative means to the car has increased compared to the past.
The challenging that is created increases the desire to abandon the car. Of course, the bicycle is our preferred means of transportation, and in 4 months we have managed to bike almost 10,000km just for home-to-work, wow!

Assos of Switzerland GmbH

Untapped potential for bicycle and pedestrian mobility on the home-school route for employees of Lugano companies has been identified as part of district corporate mobility plans. Bikecoin, through inter-employee and inter-company challenges, encourages cycling and walking.

Municipal administration of Lugano

The Bikecoin project was well received by both municipal employees and the companies in the region involved already in the 2022 test edition, which was activated as part of the Lower Mendrisiotto district mobility plan. Therefore, the project has been proposed again for municipal employees for the 2023-24 biennium.
In a relatively short time frame, a decrease in car parking spaces could be considered in favor of the installation of bicycle racks.

Silvia Passiglia, Municipal administration of Chiasso

The Bikecoin project was received with much interest by the employees of the various companies that decided to join the initiative launched by the City of Locarno as part of the promotion of sustainable mobility within the urban center. We are really happy with the feedback we have had and with the participation, which has also made it possible to overcome an initial mistrust in considering the bicycle as a real and concrete alternative to the car for home-work routes. We are convinced that the seed launched with Bikecoin, will bear excellent fruit.

Luigi Conforto, Municipal administration of Locarno

The Bikecoin initiative, an increasingly topical and heartfelt theme, is proving to be a positive and engaging experience to promote slow mobility to our employees.
Thanks to the excellent organization of the project, the incentives that are up for grabs, and the growing of healthy competition among colleagues, we are registering more and more participation and are aware that we are on the right track.

Nicola Rezzonico, health and safety coordinator RSI

The Bikecoin campaign has given me the right motivational boost to turn the occasional bike ride to work into a solid habit. Last year I rode more than 2,000 kilometers, which I would have otherwise done by car.

Dagmar, Bikecoin user

I am very happy with the proposal from my company to participate in this program.
I find the app simple and intuitive, quick to sign up and after a couple of days you get used to starting the route and stopping it on arrival.
It is also fun and challenging to be able to compare ourselves in the "ranking" that unites in our case the various regions involved.

Milla, Bikecoin user

It is an absolutely virtuous project, and the Assos company is thrilled to have joined. The number of employees who now travel to work by alternative means to the car has increased compared to the past.
The challenging that is created increases the desire to abandon the car. Of course, the bicycle is our preferred means of transportation, and in 4 months we have managed to bike almost 10,000km just for home-to-work, wow!

Davide Colletto, Assos of Switzerland GmbH

Untapped potential for bicycle and pedestrian mobility on the home-school route for employees of Lugano companies has been identified as part of district corporate mobility plans. Bikecoin, through inter-employee and inter-company challenges, encourages cycling and walking.

Andrea Lorenzi, Municipal administration of Lugano

The Bikecoin project was well received by both municipal employees and the companies in the region involved already in the 2022 test edition, which was activated as part of the Lower Mendrisiotto district mobility plan. Therefore, the project has been proposed again for municipal employees for the 2023-24 biennium.
In a relatively short time frame, a decrease in car parking spaces could be considered in favor of the installation of bicycle racks.

Silvia Passiglia, Municipal administration of Chiasso

The Bikecoin project was received with much interest by the employees of the various companies that decided to join the initiative launched by the City of Locarno as part of the promotion of sustainable mobility within the urban center. We are really happy with the feedback we have had and with the participation, which has also made it possible to overcome an initial mistrust in considering the bicycle as a real and concrete alternative to the car for home-work routes. We are convinced that the seed launched with Bikecoin, will bear excellent fruit.

Municipal administration of Locarno

The Bikecoin initiative, an increasingly topical and heartfelt theme, is proving to be a positive and engaging experience to promote slow mobility to our employees.
Thanks to the excellent organization of the project, the incentives that are up for grabs, and the growing of healthy competition among colleagues, we are registering more and more participation and are aware that we are on the right track.

Nicola Rezzonico, health and safety coordinator RSI

The Bikecoin campaign has given me the right motivational boost to turn the occasional bike ride to work into a solid habit. Last year I rode more than 2,000 kilometers, which I would have otherwise done by car.

Dagmar, Bikecoin user

I am very happy with the proposal from my company to participate in this program.
I find the app simple and intuitive, quick to sign up and after a couple of days you get used to starting the route and stopping it on arrival.
It is also fun and challenging to be able to compare ourselves in the "ranking" that unites in our case the various regions involved.

Milla, Bikecoin user

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

Eugen Krug, head of sales department

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